SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 - Accenture Content Studio, New York, NY

Women in Compliance:
Female Leadership in Financial Services 2019

Event Description

Our Annual Female Leadership in Financial Services roundtable, hosted this year by Accenture at the SoHo Content Studio in NY on September 18th, brings together senior female financial service executives along with selected leaders from other industries.

CSI, Accenture and our member organizations look forward to seeing you in NY for a lively discussion. This year, we conducted a global Survey on Female Leadership in Financial Services, collecting data from over a wide range of leaders and organizations on topics spanning titles, salaries, senior representation, mentorship, diversity, gender bias, confidence, acknowledgment, ideas, innovation, project management, culture, role models, networking and more. The findings of the survey will be discussed at the September 18 Roundtable in an interactive workshop setting and subsequently published in a whitepaper.

We are delighted and honored to have a stellar lineup of speakers and C-level financial services participants, detailed below, including an opening keynote address by Alexis Glick, CEO GENYOUth Foundation, Media Personality & former VP of Fox Business News and an exceptional fireside chat with one of the leading voices on artificial intelligence, Ron Brachman, on how AI will impact our industry and the world going forward.


Our teams look forward to seeing you in NY and we hope the roundtable results will help further educate and change the industry, for the better.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019
12 PM - 7 PM


Accenture New York Content Studio


155 6th Avenue, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10013, USA
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Event Agenda

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Registration (with lunch/coffee)

12:30 PM - 12:45 PM

Welcome & Main Survey Results

Overview of the day and key data points from the global “Female Leadership in Financial Services 2019” survey

Lisa Bloomberg

Principal Director, Accenture

Robert Warren

President, Compliance Strategy Institute

Daniel Enskat

CEO, Compliance Strategy Institute

12:45 PM - 1:20 PM

Opening Keynote Address

Alexis Glick

CEO, GENYOUth Foundation, Media Personality & former VP, Fox Business News

Q&A w/ Danielle Warren

CFO/COO, Warren Enskat Group

1:20 PM - 2:10 PM

“Representation” Panel Discussion

Are women well represented at your firm?
Is the leader of your firm a woman?
How many women at your firm are in senior management?
Are females adequately represented in senior team meetings?

Sam Regan

MD, Regulatory and Compliance Practice, Accenture

Ripa Rashid

Managing Director, Culture@Work

Jennifer Cassedy
Jennifer Cassedy

CCO, Mellon

Rinarisa Coronel de Fronze

CLO & CAO, Bravia Capital

Sara Badler

Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Investments Group, New York Life Insurance Company

2:10 PM - 2:30 PM

Coffee & Head Shots

2:30 PM - 3:20 PM

“Career Opportunities & Confidence” Panel Discussion

Is there gender-based salary disparity/perception of gender-bias?
Have you ever negotiated for a raise or promotion with your manager?
Are you chosen for big presentations?
Do you feel the need for work-life balance has impacted your career?
Professionally, when are you the most/least confident?
Are you a risk-taker (what drives you)?
Do you regularly pitch ideas, lead projects, volunteer presentations?
Are you comfortable talking about your accomplishments?

Sheri Gilchrist

Global Chief Marketing Officer, PGIM Investments

Elizabeth Paige Baumann

Chief AML Officer, Fidelity Investments

Shruti Ganguly

Award-Winning Film Producer & Director

Kathleen Corbet

Entrepreneur & Director, MassMutual Financial Group

Rosa Licea-Mailloux

VP, Director of Corporate Compliance, MFS

3:20 PM -3:40 PM

Coffee & Head Shots

3:40 PM - 4:30 PM

“Support & Communication” Panel Discussion

Do women support each other at the firm or is the culture not to do so?
Do you have role models/mentors/sponsored inside/outside your firm?
Do you have access to professional groups/networks (female-focused)?
Do you regularly interact with senior leaders at your firm (female)?
Have you received career advice from your manager or senior leaders?

Linda Wondrack

Head Compliance for Advice Solutions, Fidelity Investments

Anne Weisberg

Women's Initiative Director Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP

Colleen Galle

SVP Asset Management Compliance, Fidelity Investments

Tammy Eisenberg
Tammy Eisenberg

Director Investment Management Risk, BNY Mellon

Alison Morpurgo

Managing Director, Legal, UBS

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Fireside Chat: Artificial Intelligence - Past, Present, Future

Ron Brachman

Director, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute; former Director of DARPA, Yahoo Labs, Bell Labs, AT&T Labs; President AAAI

Interviewed by Daniel Enskat

CEO, Compliance Strategy Institute

5:00 PM - 5:20 PM

Summary of the Roundtable

Jill Evans

Vice President, Compliance, Fidelity

Robert Warren

President, Compliance Strategy Institute (Moderator)

5:20 PM - 7:00 PM

Networking & Cocktails

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